Education Degrees

Degrees in Education & Teaching Certificates

An education degree is designed to prepare the student for a career as an educator. One of the most rewarding and “pay it forward” degrees is in education.

Many students choose to pursue a degree in education because they want to understand how to help educate others. Often they start with a bachelor’s degree, but later earn a graduate degree to allow them access to careers in the administrative side.

Teachers in public schools must have a bachelor’s degree and a state license to teach. Many educators choose to start as a teacher’s aide to get real life experience while continuing their education.

Teacher’s aide courses can be completed within a year and depending on the state may only require an assortment of child development and classroom management geared classes. If certification is required then completion of the set program curriculum can also take less than a year to complete.

Many states have separate licenses for teachers of different age groups such as early childhood, elementary, and secondary grades and special needs educators.

On Campus Versus Online Degrees in Education

Many students enjoy the convenience and flexibility of online education. Online courses provide the opportunity to study with elite professors in schools all over the world without having to relocate to another city or state.

While an online education offers many benefits, opportunities, and flexibility, it is not for everyone. Some students prefer the structuring of a traditional college campus education and prefer to earn their degree in a classroom setting.

Both methods of earning a college degree have benefits that appeal to different students. Most online courses offer interactive web lessons and student message boards, whereas classroom learning can be more interactive and offer the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with fellow students.

Education Degree Specialties

Many specialties are available within the field of education. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in education can choose the age group they wish to focus on, as well as a particular subject. Some areas of focus include special education, English as a second language, music or physical education.

Learning to educate per age group in each of these fields comes with its own set of requirements and challenges, overcoming them has been the greatly rewarding for teachers.

Graduate students may choose to focus on curriculum, research, school counseling or administration. While many teachers obtain master’s degrees to move into administrative positions, others go to graduate school in hopes of becoming a better classroom instructor and increase earning potential.

Student Teaching

Education degree programs provide the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through student teaching assignments, which are generally part of the degree program. Student teachers are assigned to a class for one school year.

Students begin the year by observing their host teacher in the classroom and progressively take on more responsibility. By the end of the school year, student teachers may write lesson plans, design bulletin boards, and teach the class.

Employment Opportunities

There are many opportunities available for someone with an education degree. With a bachelor’s degree in education, a graduate can teach in public or private school. Teachers are needed for preschool through high school and an education degree is the perfect preparation for a career in a classroom.

Many states offer free online charter schools to their residents. These schools also require teachers who can manage an online classroom.

Many families choose this option when their child is not succeeding in the traditional classroom. While elementary and secondary classes are taught online with the assistance of parents, the teacher maintains contact with the students by telephone and email.

Online teachers work closely with students and their parents to provide a quality remote education.


Public school teachers are required to be professionally licensed in all states. Private school teachers do not usually need to be state licensed.

State licensure requirements vary, but most states require prospective teachers to pass a certification exam and a background check. In order to qualify for a teaching license, applicants must have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree.