Discovering if your school is regionally accredited is very important when working towards seeking an education beyond high school. When a school isn’t accredited regionally there are a lot of...
Popularity of Getting Your Doctorate Online
Online degree programs have certainly become popular over the last decade. However, is there a limit to how far you can go when it comes to getting your education? Getting an undergraduate degree...
Single Moms Can Go to School: Find Out How
Many single moms feel that they have to put their dreams on hold; they feel as if their kids come first, and that their dreams will have to wait. Sometimes, single motherhood is a juggling act of...
What Are the Benefits of Wine and Online Education?
It pays to look for ways to make life easier and healthier. By pursuing an online education and enjoying an occasional glass of red wine, you can achieve both goals. People have been talking about...
Self-Improvement and Online Education
Self Improvement and Online Education have become common partners in the growth of countless individuals. Getting a degree could be a priority in your life for various reasons. If you already have...
How to Get Your Degree While in Jail
Spending time in jail can have a huge impact on your life. You will have to explain to your friends and family what you did to land you there. You will have to explain to any future employer why...
High School College Prep: Get a Head Start
The thought of spending four years in college may not appeal to someone who has just spent four long years in high school. The good news is that you can get a jump on your college education before...
Depression and Unemployment
The unemployment rate in America has remained around 8 percent for the past several years. This has caused a lot of people to be without work for long periods of time. Of those who have found...
Gaining a Competitive Edge with Online Education
When it comes to today's job market, one thing's for sure: It's extremely competitive. That's true across just about every industry. To ensure consistent employment and decent wages, it's critical...
Education Tax Credits
There’s no doubt about it – each and every year it becomes more and more obvious that to be successful in our modern times you need more education than just a high school diploma. And just as...