Degrees in Early Childhood Education: Emerging Trends

Degrees in Early Childhood Education - 2014 Emerging TrendsAn early childhood education degree, also known as an early childcare and education degree, is open to almost all people, and is not limited to opportunities only for individuals who possess this credential. However, there are actually numerous careers available for graduates who earn one of these degrees. The 2016 emerging trends degrees, careers, salaries for the degrees in early childhood education and early childcare and education are very interesting to look into.

What is an Early Childcare and Education Degree?

The terms early childhood, early childcare and education, refers to the care and education of children who are zero to eight years old. This time period is considered to be the most crucial stage of a child’s life. As such, early childcare and education training will teach you how to help children learn through various types of play and social interaction. Upon earning a degree in this field, you will be prepared to provide enriching learning experiences and loving care to young children. You will know the strategies necessary to stimulate the essential developmental areas in children including their physical, cognitive and social growth.

Types of Early Childcare & Education, Degrees & Careers

The type of degree you will need to earn if you wish to work in this Early Childhood Education field depends on your career goals. An associate degree will provide you with the training you need to work in entry-level positions within the field. This typically includes such jobs as daycare workers or early childhood teaching assistants. Earning a bachelor degree will allow you to seek employment as an instructor in a preschool, kindergarten or elementary school. If you want to work in an administrative or a leadership position within an early childhood care setting, you will need to earn a master of education degree. Finally, the top degrees you can earn in early childcare and education are doctoral and PHD degrees. These degrees are for people who have already earned bachelor degrees and wish to pursue higher-paying positions. Careers that require these degrees include higher education professors, researchers and persons involved in child psychology.

Daycare Workers and Teaching Assistants Careers & Salaries

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for full time daycare workers in 2012 was $19,510. As a daycare worker, you will be responsible for a variety of tasks including ensuring children’s safety, keeping them engaged in various stimulating activities and helping them with homework (if applicable). If you wish to become an early education teaching assistant, you can expect an average salary of around $20,761 per year. This figure was reported by and is current as of August 2014. Teaching assistants help instructors by grading papers, preparing homework, helping children with assignments and cleaning the classroom.

Teachers in Preschools, Kindergartens and Elementary Schools Careers & Salaries

As reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for early childhood instructors was $50,090 per year. Instructors who choose to teach in early childhood settings are responsible for teaching young children such basic subjects as writing, reading and simple math. Teachers must be able to work full-time schedules and be willing to utilize their spare time doing such things as grading papers, preparing assignments and speaking with parents when necessary. Depending on the school you choose to work within, you may need to work during the summer as well.

School Administrative and Leadership Positions Careers & Salaries

If you choose to work in a school administrative or other leadership position, you can expect an average salary of about $87,760 per year. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this figure in 2012. These professionals are accountable for many important tasks including those listed below.

  • Managing School Operations
  • Managing Daily School Activities
  • Overseeing Instructors and Other Staff
  • Coordinating School Curricula
  • Ensuring a Safe and Effective Learning Environment
  • Creating a School Budget
  • Meeting With Parents
  • Handling Problems With Students and Staff

Professors in Higher Education Facilities Careers & Salaries

The average salary for college and university professors who choose to teach early childcare and education was reported to be $65,630 per year. This figure was listed by Degree Directory and was current as of May 2013. Of course, the actual salary you will earn will depend on the facility you work in, your location and your credentials. As an early childcare and education professor, you will be responsible for a vast array of tasks. This includes preparing assignments, grading papers and teaching students about the various aspects of early childcare and education. You will also be required to attend faculty meetings, maintain paperwork and assist students as necessary.

Child Psychologists and Researchers Careers & Salaries

According to, the average salary for professionals working in child psychology was $96,000 per year as of the beginning of August 2014. It is essential to note that if you choose this profession, you may need to major in various areas of child behavior and abnormal psychology in addition to your early childcare and education training. Goals of child psychologists are as follows:

  • Counsel Young Children and Their Families
  • Diagnose Patients
  • Create a Treatment Plan Using Age-Appropriate Methods
  • Perform Diagnostic Tests
  • Instruct Children on How to Handle Difficult Situations
  • Make Referrals if Necessary

If you wish to work in child development or behavior research, you can expect to earn an average yearly salary of around $51,000. Simply Hired reported this figure in early August of 2014. Common tasks of researchers include analyzing the cognitive development of young children, examining learning disabilities and creating new methods to evaluate early childhood development. As you can see, there are numerous great things you can do with an early childhood education degree. From working in a daycare or early childhood school to becoming a school administrator or a child psychologist, earning a degree in early childhood education just may be the best decision you will make in your life!

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