Industrial-Organizational Psychology Degrees

What Is Industrial-Organizational Psychology?

Industrial and organizational psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace and applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. Industrial-Organizational Psychologists are trained in the scientist-practitioner model.

Types of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Degrees

There are many types of degrees available. A Bachelor’s is available in Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods, Social Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Assessment and Testing. Master’s are available in Research Methods and Data Analysis, Employee Selection and Placement, Performance Evaluation, Work Motivation and Attitudes. Doctorate and Doctor of Psychology Degrees can also be obtained in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

Job Description: Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

Like all of the psychological disciplines, Industrial-Organizational Psychology is a diverse field with opportunities in several different areas. Many work in the business sector in positions dealing with worker productivity, employee training, assessment and Human Resources. Others work in research or academic positions. Specific specialty areas include human-computer interaction and human factors. Consulting opportunities are also available for those who are more experienced.

Typical Salaries of Industrial-Organizational Psychologists

Industrial-Occupational Psychologists salaries vary considerably depending on such factors as the type of degree held and the type of employer or workplace. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the average starting salary for a Mater’s Degree graduate is $64,000, and $78,000 for a PhD graduate. University Professors earn about $103,000 compared to those in the private sector who make around $100,000 National Estimates for Industrial Occupational Psychologists: Median average pay in 2012 was $87,960 per year with a median hourly wage of $42.29 an hour, Entry level education is a Master’s degree, The number of jobs in 2012 was 1,040.

Pros and Cons of Earning an Industrial-Organizational Psychology Degree

Pros: Fair number of career opportunities with a Master’s Degree, diverse career paths, and opportunities for self-employment. Cons: Clients and projects change often, research can often be tedious with burnout a danger, and many positions require a doctoral degree.