Degrees Offered by Online Colleges

There are many degrees offered by online colleges. You need to decide what you’re interested in studying, what degrees are in demand, and what degree you want to earn. Degrees offered by online...

What’s a Physical Therapy Assistant?

Like many other professions in the medical field, the job of physical therapist assistant is expected to grow rapidly in the upcoming decades. Not only is the population aging in general, but also...

What’s Nursing Informatics?

Nursing informatics is a sub field of health informatics that involves the application of information technology to the duties and skills of nurses. It incorporates the principles of nursing,...

Is More Education Better?

The Atlantic has earned a lot of raised eyebrows with its recent article entitled “The Myth of the Student Loan Crisis.” The myth, they...

I Hate My Job

What To Do When You Hate Your Job: A Four-Step Plan of Action

Start typing "I hate" into a Google search bar and Google immediately suggests you add the words "my job."...