Single Mothers, the Job Market, and Online Education

It’s no secret that getting your college degree is something that you need to do. While it may be expensive, employers are hiring fewer employees without college degrees these days. Therefore, it is very important that you make every effort possible to get your degree even if you are a single parent. Keep in mind that your degree will make it easier to get your degree as well as make it easier to demand more money.

What Is The Job Market Like For Single Mothers?

The national unemployment rate for a single mother is roughly 11.3 percent across the nation. This is almost double the unemployment rate of mothers who have a husband or other partner living with them. This means that having a degree is going to make all the difference in the world.

Getting your degree will increase your chances of getting a job because you are going to have marketable skills that employers want. You also show that you care enough about your career to further your education as much as possible. Single parents don’t always have a lot of money. Therefore, investing in yourself and your family will further demonstrate that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

A degree is an important first step toward making life better for yourself and your family. However, how are you supposed to get that degree? An online degree is something that is easily attainable no matter who you are. Your degree can improve your chances of getting a job by 100 percent.

Get A Degree In Growing Career Fields

Your degree isn’t going to mean much when you can’t apply it anywhere. For example, a degree in English isn’t going to get you anywhere unless someone needs a writer on a full-time basis. Even if you want to go into teaching, you still have to get certified before you can do anything with your degree.

What are some career fields that are growing these days? As the Internet becomes more ingrained in our lives, their are going to be more jobs available online. People who can develop applications for social networking sites will have steady work. The same goes for people who are good at online marketing. It might be a good idea to take courses in online business development and marketing.

If you are a food fan, you are going to find that there is work available for you as well. A degree in the culinary arts could be something that you want to look into. You will be doing something that you love while also having flexibility in your choice of jobs.

The Process Of Getting An Online Degree

Single mothers are not going to have the time to get to class without first finding and paying for childcare. Going to school online can solve that problem for anyone who wants to get their degree. This is because you can study where and when you want. Your child will not have to be left alone with a family member or stranger while you are in class.

Getting into an online degree program doesn’t have to be hard. Sure, it isn’t easy getting into business school at Columbia, but you don’t need a degree from Columbia to get a job. All you need is a degree from an accredited school. Online programs such as Phoenix will allow you to apply whenever you want.

You will get your degree on your schedule. There is a chance that you could be done in a matter of months. It all depends on how many classes you want to take at one time as well as what degree program you are taking. If you are going for a teaching or law degree, you will probably have to devote several years to get your degree.

However, if you are going for a degree in accounting or liberal arts, you will be done before you know it. This handy article will give you more information regarding the different factors that will determine how long it will take to get your degree.

What Does This Mean For A Single Parent?

Having a degree is about more than just having a piece of paper that you can present to a prospective employer. A lot of colleges will offer assistance with job placement as well as resume writing. When you are trying to get a job, a proper resume will give you the best chance of getting an interview.

Many online schools will offer you this type of assistance. Check to see if there is a career services department at any school that you apply to. It is also important that you take advantage of the connections that you will make while going to school online or at a traditional college.

The admissions and career services departments at your school of choice could write letters of recommendation for you. That could help you get a job after graduation. With the unemployment rate being so high for everyone, you should be taking advantage of any opportunity that you have to get a job.

Set An Example For Your Kids

Your kids look up to you. It is your responsibility to be a positive role model. If they see that you are working hard to better yourself, they won’t have an excuse to not work hard to better themselves. Your children will respect you more and will be proud of your accomplishment.

If you give up, you are teaching your kids that it is alright to quit when life gets hard. Is that the lesson you want your kids to be learning from you? Don’t let your kids think that rising above obstacles to achieve your dreams is an impossible feat.

A job is a ticket to a better life for yourself and your family. When you can’t pay the bills, your entire life is a series of stressful events. Your pride and self-esteem are certain to take a hit. This is why it is so important to get your degree. Without an education, you can never expect to get a job that pays enough to have your bills paid on time each month. Get online right away to find a school and degree program that is right for you.